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INTEGRATIVE PHENOMICS and DANONE NUTRICIA RESEARCH establish a collaboration to gain insights into diet-microbiome interactions

Paris, January 10, 2022 – Integrative Phenomics, an early-stage R&D start-up offering personalized nutrition and medical solutions, have signed a collaboration with Danone Nutricia Research to determine how dietary habits influence the gut microbiome and how these interactions influence individual’s health and weight loss outcomes.

A collaboration positioned to decipher diet, lifestyle, and the gut microbiome impacts on metabolic health

Chronic metabolic diseases, including obesity, diabetes, and or metabolic syndrome are estimated to affect at least 1 in 4 individuals worldwide. Lifestyle, including diet and behavior, play a vital role in these diseases and are also cornerstones of disease prevention and management. Individuals respond differently to diet, however, understanding this variability is complex and could lead to improved health outcomes.

To understand how individual dietary habits, lifestyle, and the gut microbiome interact to affect health and weight outcomes, the collaboration will leverage Integrative Phenomics’ longitudinal weight-loss cohort of individuals with overweight and obesity. The cohort assembles over 1800 patients following a low-calorie weight-loss diet in over 60 French clinics. The cohort provides a wealth of data, including, medical history, detailed questionnaires, laboratory panels, and a stool sample before and after weight loss. Integrative Phenomics will use its advanced analytical bioinformatic and machine-learning pipeline on cohort data to gain insights needed for this collaboration.

The power of Integrative Phenomics’ pipeline for improving personalized nutrition

For Integrative Phenomics, this collaborative project is a step to identify how specific dietary components and microbiome interactions can be leveraged to improve individual weight loss and health outcomes. Integrative Phenomics provides personalized nutritional solutions, which will be enhanced by the findings within the collaboration. This project highlights the strength of Integrative Phenomics’ patented In silico Microbiome Core (IMC) platform for personalized nutrition – combining advanced bioinformatic pipelines and multi-dimensional cohort data – to help industrial partners in the nutritional and  microbiome space to gain insight into how diet and the gut microbiome interact to influence health outcomes.

“This collaborative project will nurture the understanding of the effects of plant-based and fermented dairy products on microbiome composition or function and will strengthen our personalized nutrition expertise” says Dr Liliana Jimenez (Innovation Sciences & Nutrition Director at Danone Nutricia Research).

About Integrative Phenomics

Integrative Phenomics is a dynamic company dedicated to advancing precision and personalized nutrition through its cutting-edge models and real-world solutions. Our mission is to integrate individual factors ranging from biology, lifestyle, and gut microbiome, along with food and consumption habits and preferences, to provide holistic solutions for disease prevention and management. Our solutions are aimed at individuals, health professionals, and the food industry, paving the way for a future where nutrition is tailored to the unique needs of everyone.


For further information or media inquiries, please contact:

Tim Swartz

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