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Personalized Nutrition for Tailored Health

A global approach to personalization


And delivering

Scientific evidence

Technological support

Trust and confidence


personalized nutrition solutions to treat and prevent metabolic diseases

Targeting health through


Solutions for unique groups

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Solutions for individuals

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For individuals

Solutions adapted for individuals using internal biological or clinical factors, including the gut microbiome, and external factors such as environment and lifestyle.


For unique groups

Tailored solutions to address specific risk profiles, life stages, or specific characteristics.

Examples : Sex, age, and life-stage groups, risk for type 2 diabetes

Revolutionizing Cardiometabolic Health

See how we’re changing cardiometabolic disease prevention and treatment

Our Approach for Personalized Nutrition

See how we are achieving precision and personalized nutrition for tomorrow

Our Science for Personalized Nutrition

Delivering precision and personalized nutrition requires an integration of internal and external factors – see how we address this need


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